





Exceptional Pre Construction 服务

告诉我们你的愿景. March's project planning is second-to-none.



预施工是至关重要的,因为它节省了时间,金钱,并防止在道路上打嗝. March深入分析并概述了项目的生命周期,以保持目标一致. 我们还确定项目的可行性,并为下一阶段的建设过程做准备. 


March will create an itemized project plan, search for budgetary weaknesses, 并在进入施工阶段之前提出节省成本的替代方案. 然后,在开始施工之前,我们会接触到我们策划的合格和尝试分包商名单,以便为您提供最优惠的价格. 

Fast 和 Efficient Delivery. 🕔

March是您商业建筑项目的一站式施工解决方案.  March在纽约/新泽西地区专注于提供全方位服务的建筑施工和设计超过35年. We are family-owned 和 operated; assistance is just a phone call away.


Watch Our Projects Rise from Start-To-Finish!


看看 我们的博客 to see commercial building projects near you!


March has the best pre-construction process in the industry. Our team's experience is second-to-none.

One of March’s core values is prioritizing our client’s success 和我们一样高. This is one of the reasons for our high retention of clients. 业主兼首席执行官Lou March亲自参与了所有的建设项目. 我们在新泽西州和纽约大都会区拥有超过35年的商业预建筑项目经验

We have the ability to perform either open shop or union construction. We can plan your project through preconstruction, 但我们也很乐意提供各种其他与建筑相关的服务. 点击阅读更多 365体育平台我们 or 我们的团队 or continue scrolling to read more about our pre construciton services. 

10个主要原因 to choose March for your Pre Construction Planning:

What kinds of Pre Construction 服务 does March provide?

See below for a list of preconstruciton services March provides. We also provide construction consulting, 设计、, 网站开发, 和 other project 和 construction management related services. See our main services page, 在这里. 

问题 & 答案

What are some of the benefits of pre-construction?

预施工阶段是在开始你的建筑项目之前的一切. 在较小的项目中, such as homes or small retail buildings, pre construction may only be a small part of the process. 在这种情况下, 业主/发展商可以跳过施工前的步骤,直接进入施工过程. This can be a costly mistake. If the project is complex in nature, 预算紧张, or has a rigid time-frame for completion, preconstruction is essential. 

In large commercial construction projects, pre construction is a key first step to successful project completion. 如果一个项目在施工前组织得当,可以节省数百万美元. Some of the benefits of Pre Construciton include: 


What kind of buildings does March build?

三月专门从事各种商业建筑类型的地面施工. 这包括仓储、住宅公寓、酒店/酒店等. 30多年来,我们一直致力于各类大型开发项目的建设. Most projects start at $20 million 和 up. 
看看 我们的投资组合 to see completed project highlights. 访问 我们的博客 to see all projects currently in progress. 

What type of payment contracts does March accept?

一旦你选择了我们作为你的GC,是时候考虑你的付款合同了. 三月可以提供 lump-sum, cost-plus-fee, guaranteed-最大,价格(GMP), GMP成本加节约—whatever contract serves you best. March is happy to consult 和 建议; we can do whatever makes the most sense for your business. 


我们曾担任整个纽约房地产开发项目的商业总承包商, 新泽西, 还有三州, metropolitan (NYC) area for over 30 years. 来看看! 3月被列为新泽西州帕特森市最佳商业总承包商之一. 请看这里 总承包商s Magazine. We were also listed as “Built to Last” by NJBIZ

Does March have a project minimum?

Our project minimum typically starts at $20 million 和 up. 三月重视提供优质服务,只承接在我们资源范围内的重大项目. 如果你的项目远远低于这个数字,一个较小的承包商可能会有更好的帮助.

Become our of our Repeat, Satisfied, Triple-A Clients.

We service everyone from corporations to private investors. T在这里 are many projects to juggle during the real estate development process, in addition to the inevitable challenges 和 unforeseen situations. You can take comfort in our professional organization, meticulous attention to detail, 和 excellent industry relationships. We take nothing for granted, 我们知道我们的信誉取决于你方在商业建设项目结束时的满意程度. 

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